I learned a lot during my interview as Dr.Diamond and I discussed his research and experiences during his medical journey. When I first went to the interview, I was incredibly nervous and did not know what to expect; however, the visit went well. Through the experience, I have gained more confidence in my ability to excel in challenging situations as I through myself into a new environment and was able to make it out a stronger and more motivated person.

Another event of the week was setting up my research portfolio. This was a wonderful opportunity as I got to look back at all I have already accomplished during my short time in ISM. I collected each assignment that I completed during the five weeks and assembled them in a professional presentation. It was incredible seeing all the work that has gone into getting me to this point in only five weeks. As I go through this time I am taking it one step at a time, so looking back at it makes me realize all that I have done, providing me with a sense of pride as the work associated with the course is challenging and requires a great deal of thought.

Now, I am preparing for my second interview. Although the first interview went fairly well, I feel that I can still improve on the manner in which I conduct myself, so as the date of my next interview approaches, I want to make sure that I am fully prepared for any situation. My first interview provided me with experience; now, I must use that experience to help me improve in the future.