I saw how the understanding of the causes for lesions has evolved through my research as well as gain knowledge about the different options for diagnosis and how a patient's circumstances may sway which test is best for that person. I found this intriguing because it gave me background information as to what limitations are being placed on the physicians doing the research.

This week, I also built my résumé. This was a new experience for me that called for a great deal of self analysis as I was forced to look into what my best qualities are as well as what the most valuable aspect of my life are. I only had one page to give the professionals a comprehensive understanding of me, so I had to breakdown each part of my life to determine if it was significant enough to put on my résumé. The process of building my résumé gave me a deeper understanding of how I see myself and the aspects of my life which I feel define me.

Tomorrow I have my first informational interview, and while I am excited for the opportunity, I am also incredible nervous. It will be new terrain for me, likely pushing me farther outside of my comfort zone than anything I have done thus far. However, it will be a good experience and I will gain a lot from it.