After careful consideration of each component to both my primary and secondary research, I was able to determine the most valuable lesson I received from each of my research assessments and narrow down the topics of discussion for my interviews to two to three major points per interview.

In addition to preparing for my speech, I designed my display board plan for the Research Showcase in January. This was a difficult task for me as I had to first determine what I want to include on my display board; then, I had to be creative and determine an intriguing way to arrange the information as well as images in order to make the board interesting and informative at the same time.

I am still working on getting a mentor at this point as well. Dr. Banister has agreed to be my mentor; however, I am still trying to connect with him in order to finish all of the necessary steps in establishing the mentorship. Regardless, having a neurosurgeon agree to work with me throughout the year is a major accomplishment, serving as a massive leap forward in my ISM journey.