This coming week will be the conclusion of my incredible and challenging experiences ISM has given me with the occurrence of Final Presentation Night. I look forward to using the skills I have acquired and the connections I have made to further my future studies. My hope is to remain in contact with my mentor and continue to develop a strong relationship with him as I am so grateful for all he has done, and I hope to prove that the time and effort he put into my study was worth it. Dr. Lega has given me more guidance and knowledge than I ever expected which I want to continue to develop as I enter the next step of my life, continuing my educational process at Vassar College. The insight that Dr. Lega gave me only expanded my passion for the field; I intend to use that insight and passion to drive me to a successful future in order to eventually make an impact as great as that of Dr. Lega's on the medical field. The knowledge I have gained in ISM this year will stick with me for the rest of my life, and I intend to implement it as I carry on through college and beyond.