Step 1 - Deciding between TrackIR or Delanclip


Track IR - $169.99: Includes precise tracking through a dedicated head tracking monitoring system with the following specs...

1/150th of a pixel tracking

FOV: 51.7 Deg.

Raw Resolution: 640x480

Sample Rate: 120 FPS

Response Time: 9ms



DelanClip - $51.20: Includes slightly less precise tracking via webcam. Instructions on setup are included on the site. Cheaper options are provided in the shop for a DIY kit. Here are the following specs...

FOV: 56 or 75 Deg.

Raw Resolution: 1 320x240 or 2 640×480

Sample Rate: 1 125+ FPS or 2 75 FPS



Honestly after reading many reviews and watching videos of both products in action, I recommend DelanClip unless you have a very serious simulation rig. Both products work very similarly by tracking inferred light beamed from an object attached to your headset. The difference in performance is hardly noticeable. Instructions on how to setup the software/equipment can be found on both sites...


Step 2 - Joystick to Mouse Emulation (Optional)

Both TrackIR and FreeTrack allow for 6Dof. If for some reason however you are still having issues it may be due to the fact that NR2003 only allows joystick input for cockpit viewing...Peter Dikant created a program named "Tir2Joy" that works with Deon van der Westhuysen's "PPjoy". PPjoy creates a virtual joystick, and Tir2Joy maps the mouse movements to this device. Download

1) Install PPJoy and start the program. (search your start menu for "Configure Joysticks" if you cant find the program". Click Add > Add > Done. This is a one-time process

2) Run the head tracking software, then start Tir2Joy each time you race. You can see that the program is working correctly if the data changes as your mouse moves.


Credit: Definition1995 (TrackIR)

Credit: kestrel7e7 (Freetrack)