I’m off to a great start this week in ISM! I had my fourth mentor visit earlier this afternoon and we were able to make a lot of progress with my original work. This week I’ll be cracking down on the proposal and continuing my research on self-compassion and self-trust. I already know that my original work will not only help others, but also myself. All of the research I’ve done so far on the relationship between creativity and reduced anxiety has been so fascinating. Now, I’m trying to take the creativity and mold it with some lessons that everyone needs to learn about how to have self-compassion. I’m so glad that ISM is giving me the opportunity to look into these concepts that I didn’t know existed before. Vanessa is incredibly talented and has so much insight on the kinds of topics that I’m wanting to pursue this year. Each time I visit with her, I’m more encouraged by what this year can hold. My mentorship is already so great this year, and I’m really looking forward to tackling this original work. What I’m doing this year is taking me in a totally different direction than last year, and that’s exactly what I need!