The four most important elements of involvement in ISM, in my opinion, are as follows: Original Work development, attaining a mentorship, Final Product development, and Final Presentation Night (in no particular order). With three of these four completed, all that is left to tackle is Final Presentation Night. If you are unfamiliar with this event, it is essentially a showcase of every student’s endeavors in the program throughout the year. We give presentations over all of our work, highlighting our research, interviews, mentorship, the Research Showcase, and both of our semester projects. Our entire ISM journey has built up to this night, which is equally exciting and terrifying. While the idea of giving a 30 minute speech is not enticing from a public speaking standpoint, I know that once I begin sharing my experience those fears will subside. I absolutely love what I’ve been able to pursue in this class and want to share this passion with my friends and family, which is what ISM Final Presentation Night is all about.