His name is Dr. Thomas Heffernan, and he is a gynecologic oncologist at North Texas Gynecologic Oncology in Medical City Plano. He was the second person I interviewed, yet I knew immediately after meeting with him that I wanted him to be my mentor, which made me all the more excited when he obliged. He is essentially the perfect candidate for someone to shadow in the field of robotic surgery. An avid da Vinci user as well as a knowledgeable, compassionate, and sincere medical professional, Dr. Heffernan will indefinitely help me make the most of my experience in ISM.

My first mentor visit has not yet been scheduled, but I have been coordinating with his nurse who manages his schedule to determine a good time to meet with him. In our first meeting, I hope to get his input on my Final Product, the major project of my second semester in ISM. I know that Dr. Heffernan’s invaluable knowledge and wisdom on the robotic surgery device will ensure my success and growth of knowledge in this class.